FILLED chewy toffee
High percentage of filling in the perfect shapeS31 CHEWS:
The production of seamless candies with a lot of filling is possible thanks to the new generation of chain die sets with double forming action.
precision and constancy
This line has been studied to work with crystallized soft masses through extrusion or – to treat non crystalized soft masses- to easily insert a batch roller, granting the line the maximum adjustment and flexibility. It can also be combined with plants that provide a traditional process of crystallization for batch and also with new generation plants with a continuous crystallization process. Waste and machine stops are reduced thanks to the precision and constancy in the rope sizing stage of the rope, which comes from the extruder, and to the air-oil anti-sticking systems that prevent stickiness issues. The precision in the forming of the final product with constant weight and dimensions – made to fully exploit high-speed wrapping machines – is possible even with soft and filled products. The production of seamless candies with a lot of filling is possible thanks to the new generation of chain die sets with double forming action.

On this plant there is the option to use a chain die system or a rotary forming machine. The chain system allows having a final product with a higher percentage of filling. Being the flexibility one of our main characteristics, even in this case the option to implement – in few minutes – die sets for the production of hard candies has been developed. This offers the possibility to diversify the production on one line. The filling options available for this line are: powders, chewing-gum and liquids such as creams, chocolate, jams, honey, fruit-based syrups, pectins. The design has been made in stainless steel tubular to allow maximum ease of cleaning and hygiene of the line.